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The Main Event
AU Dinner   The last formal event of the year to celebrate another successful year for both the club and the sporting achivements within Exeter.
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The Main Event
AGM   As the year draws to an end it was time to vote in nexts yers committe. A big congratulations to Roz, Tink, Frenchy and Charley who were elected to the positions of captain, treasurer, secretary and BUSC rep respectively.
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The Main Event
  Kings Finals After four rounds of hard skiing the finals this year were held at Brentwood near London. With slope conditions resembling a nursery slope and skis that were not worthy of a bonfire Exeter struggled to make an impact. This disappointment was soon lost however with the aid of paddling pools and the Kings Ball.
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The Main Event
  The Main Event   The BUSC Main event held in Les deux Alps is the highlight of the year giving everyone the chance to race on snow. Like any other ski trip the apres ski was just as eventful! Probably the best ski trip in the world!
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  Timepiece Easter Social   The last social event of term at timepiece before the BUSC main event.
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  Ski2help   The annual charity event organised by BUSC held at the Castleford snowdome. Starting with a night out in Southampton and ending back in Exeter two days later with very little sleep!
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  Hogshead Social   With the BUSC main event approaching fast this was the first chance for all those who are attending to meet up and have a taster of whats to come.
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Kings Round 4

  The last qualification round for kings and the last event in Gloucester for the year. This saw Exeter 1 finish 3rd and secure a space in the finals and Exeter 2 finishing in 6th and also making the finals, the first time Exeter has had two teams in the final
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Christmas Dinner

  The legendry christmas dinner once again upon us to finish off a very successful first term. The usual carnage and probably the best nativity play you could ever possibly take part in!
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  One of the highlights of the year in the race calander and this year was no different. Exeter came they conquered and left cold, wet and hungover! Good work everyone!
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Timepiece Social

  What does every good social need...? Disaronno! The ski race club tradition of disaronno was back in force for the first time this year. The main social of the autumn term held at timepiece.
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  Kings Round 2   Second round of kings, another successful weekend of racing for Exeters chefs. This was followed by another trip into Bristol which involved many golf balls being passed around!
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  Kings Round 1   Kings first round held at Gloucester was a huge success with both teams finishing in the top 6. The after party was just as good as the good people from UWE once again supplied us with entertainment and a floor to crash on.
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Freshers Social

  The first social of the year starting at Amber rooms and finishing in Arena. As to set an example to all for the expected standards of the year the drinking rules and games were explained so for those who couldn't make it beware!
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Disaronno Moments
The Exeter ski race club famous disaronno moments. Many a social has began and ended with drinking disaronno and as can be seen it can cause strange events to happen and result in many a hangover!
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  AU Ball  

The last formal of the year to celebrate the success in sport at Exeter for the year. The ski race club was nominated for most improved club and our captain Charley for best club captain. Unfortunatly we unluckerly missed out on both awards, however this did little to stop the partying!

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